My Coaching Approach | JSAbramson Coaching I Holistic Life Coach I Trauma-Informed
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My Coaching Approach

I provide a holistic and integrated approach to coaching that recognizes the mind-body connection. This approach takes into account the entirety of who you are, recognizing the intricate interplay between your emotional, mental, and physical well-being and how they mutually influence one another.


When we experience strong emotions, they are not just confined to our minds but are also expressed through our bodily responses. Our bodies physically react to these intense emotions, and sometimes these feelings can seem 'trapped' within us, especially during extended periods of chronic stress, which may lead to physical symptoms.


As a trauma-informed coach, I understand how past experiences can have an impact on your present life. My coaching style is grounded in compassion and empowerment, with the aim of creating a supportive environment where every client feels truly seen, valued, heard, and respected. To learn more about the role of a trauma-informed coach, click here.

I utilize a variety of evidence-based techniques, including mindfulness and strategies aimed at helping you regulate your nervous system. During our work together, you'll learn how to be more present in your daily life, embrace your sensitivities, and harness them as sources of strength. I'll provide you with tools to cultivate curiosity toward your thoughts, feelings, and experiences rather than passing judgment on them.

In our coaching sessions, we'll collaborate to establish your specific goals and address any limiting beliefs and obstacles that may be hindering you from living your life to the fullest. We'll explore your core values, identify your strengths, and uncover what truly motivates and inspires you. I'll provide you with valuable tools, effective techniques, and a wealth of resources that will empower you to create meaningful and lasting changes in your life.

A lotus flower in  pond

Like the lotus flower that is born out of mud, we must honor the darkest part of ourselves and the most painful of our life experiences, because they are what allow us to birth our most beautiful self -Debbie Ford

I extend a warm and heartfelt invitation for you to connect with me and learn more about what I offer and how I can support you.

Regulating Your Nervous System

A stack of stones near water

The nervous system is responsible for our movements, thoughts, and automatic responses to the world around us.


The parasympathetic nervous system enables us to rest and aids in digestion, while the sympathetic nervous system prepares us for a fight-flight-freeze response when needed. Additionally, the dorsal vagus helps us enter a freeze state, and the ventral vagus facilitates social connection.

Through a process called 'neuroception' our nervous system continuously and subconsciously evaluates our surroundings for safety. It then adapts our behavior to maintain our safety and well-being.

A well-regulated nervous system allows us to respond effectively to various situations, including our thoughts and emotions. It can appropriately address threats and then return to a state of balance (homeostasis).

However, when the nervous system becomes dysregulated as a result of distress or prolonged stress, physiological changes occur that lead to heightened feelings of anxiety, worry, difficulty sleeping, and other internal responses. Nervous system regulation is crucial for maintaining homeostasis in the body.

If you find yourself experiencing stress, anxiety, or feeling on edge and overwhelmed, I can provide you with support and guidance in learning how to regulate your nervous system effectively. I will teach you various nervous system regulation tools and techniques and how to activate the vagus nerve (which is part of the parasympathetic nervous system), which will help restore balance in both your mind and body. 

Regulating the nervous system requires consistent practice, however, the rewards are well worth the effort. By achieving a state of balance, you will experience a sense of safety and security within your own body, a calmer state of mind, and an enhanced sense of overall well-being. Everyone's journey is unique, which is why it's important to find the techniques and practices that work best for you.

Coaching Versus Therapy

Therapists operate under a medical model of care, while coaches operate under a support model. Therapists can diagnose and treat mental health concerns; as coaches, we do not. As a holistic life coach, I recognize the influence of past experiences on present-day experiences. My work is rooted in the present, not the past, and I aim to use concrete coaching strategies to support clients in fostering awareness, strength, and resilience to shift towards positive coping strategies guided by their preferences and needs.


Trauma-informed coaches are simply aware of all of the intricacies of working with clients who have experienced trauma; however, they do not treat trauma. Trauma-informed coaching is a compassionate approach that acknowledges the lasting impact of past traumatic experiences on a client's present life. Rather than solely addressing "negative behaviors" and beliefs, this coaching approach focuses on understanding and supporting clients in developing their strengths, fostering healthy beliefs, and adopting positive coping strategies.

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